DV Video

Warning, Some videos may be disturbing to watch

©Hopeful Survivors

This video is untitled and silent. Duration: 1:46

911 Call from a 6 year old child. Duration: 2:59

Patrick Stewart & Joanna Lumley in an animated short by Amnesty International, made for Stop Violence Against Women.   Duration: 2:03

Patrick Stewart talks about domestic violence for Amnesty International.  Duration: 5:04

Patrick Stewart on violence against women. The actor talks about his personal experience at the book launch of 

"Created Equal"  Duration: 13:28 

©Hopeful Survivors

 ©Hopeful Survivors   Protected by Copyscape DMCA Takedown Notice Search Tool     © PATRICIA RODOLFF 2012Creative Commons License
Hopeful Survivors by Patricia Rodolff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.